Monday, April 18, 2011

No Bravery- James Blunt

My daughter had gotten this cd that remained wrapped for 2 years, she kept on asking when I was going to open it, as she was so excited to have found a brand new cd for me with Beautiful on it. James Blunt.
I've listened to it twice fully within two days and with each listen, I love it more.
I tend to stay away for commercialized products as I am an independent artist.
Tasks: Sing Beautiful to someone.
Favorite song. No Bravery. Thank you, James. I'm a fan.
click the link above, watch it like it share it.

Whoever put that video together, please contact me at
I seek a world, where humans understand their power to choose right from wrong. Stand up together and be true. All that we have is this moment.
Let's live for a new day where we do not conquer civilizations, where we do not teach greed.
Soldiers you are beautiful, we are counting on you to stand up for what is right and true. Do not close your eyes to the atrocities before you. Devastation is disheartening.
Life, love, family, happiness, Joy, peace, freedom, and hope is how we come to peace of mind. We are all born the same, this is true.
Speak truth that war is a criminal act. To destroy life, love, hope, and children's dreams, will destroy us all.

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