Native People
Where have we come to Native people?
We are separated into different tribes,
using genealogy to document our heritage.
That is the white man’s way.
Yes, we have evolved, but into what?
The land is being devoured and poisoned for money.
That is the white man’s way.
Remember your spirit, Native People,
unite for we are all the same.
Living for the greed that destroyed our way of life.
In the white man’s way.
Our culture is in picture books and for them to look at.
We do our painted ceremonies, but we do not honor our ancestors.
Because we sit and live like them.
In the white man’s way.
With no respect for the earth.
We have nothing to say. No changes to make.
We’ve evolved into the white man’s world.
I am alone, for my people have forgotten and no longer want to see.
The spirit world is still there, watching, waiting, calling.
For us to be, once again,
Native People.